Back from a Long Absence

It's been several weeks since I last blogged. The lag isn't because I was profoundly busy, but because I didn't have internet access. When our time at the Lochardil hotel was drawing to a close, we still did not have a place to call home. We could have just extended our stay at the hotel, but that was problematic on two counts: One, it was rather expensive. Two, and more importantly, I didn't want the cats to remain at the cattery. The cattery was a lovely place and the cats were well cared for, but I missed them and wanted to be somewhere with them.

Steve found a holiday cabin that was both pet and wallet friendly, so we booked a three-week stay there. It was a lovely location near the village of Carrbridge, close to the Cairngorms. While idyllic, the place had one major flaw: Minimal internet. Broadband was available only in the club house. I wandered over there once, iPad in hand, only to discover that the broadband was painfully slow and even more erratic. I ended up relying on my iPhone for email and Facebook and anything else internet-related was pushed aside, including this blog.

Happily, we now have a home. It's only for six months, but that's fine. It's a tiny bungalow and really not suited to us for the long term. It's just a place to call home and to establish our residency (a really big deal if you want credit, which is needed for things like car loans) and wait out the cold winter. Come spring, we hope to be heading toward some place bigger.

In the mean time, we're striving to squeeze our big American lives into a tiny Scottish bungalow. It's harder than it sounds, trust me. The good news is we have decent internet (compared to the cabin, anyway) and I can begin blogging again. So keep your eyes peeled.


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