International grocery store
Where I am relying on foot power now that I'm not in Oxford, it's important for me to know where the closest grocery stores are located. Here in Maidstone, I was lucky enough to have Steve and a rental car for the first few days. So I stocked up on what I needed before he left. Still, Steve located the nearest shops in case I needed something. The closest is an "international" grocery a couple of blocks away. When Steve gave that as my best option, I remarked that it would do me no good because it's probably going to sell Asian food, or maybe European.
At one point, we walked by the store and I looked in the window. I thought I saw some familiar packaging and figured maybe it carried some English basics, after all. The first thing I saw was a bag of Cheetohs. Wait a minute, they don't sell those in England. Then I saw the big display of Lays potato chips near the open door. I had to laugh. "International" didn't mean Asian or European, it meant American!! Our junk food is exotic cuisine here.
Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas, anymore.
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