Out of my comfort zone
Oxford is not a cheap place to stay. Since it is the backbone of my research for this trip, I needed to stay for several weeks. Limited funding meant I had to find as cheap an option as possible for accommodation. As a result, I am renting a room in a family's home. To say this arrangement is outside of my comfort zone is a serious understatement. But stiff upper lip and all that, so here I am.
Fortunately the family is very warm and welcoming, and I'm fairly comfortable around them. But I'm not going to hang out with them in the lounge (livingroom) and watch tv at night. So I make and eat my meals downstairs and spend the rest of my time in my room. During the week,that arrangement works out fine. They are up and out early for work, so I've got the place to myself in the morning. And I'm back before they are in the afternoon. So I can cook and eat in peace and be tucked into my private sanctuary by the time they get home.
However, the weekends are a different story. When I'm out all day, like I was Saturday, it's fine. But when I'm home all day, like I was yesterday due to the wet and windy weather, it is more than a bit trying. They have a very rambunctious three-year-old who has no concept of an indoor voice. The family, in general, is very loud. To top it off, they had family over for Sunday dinner. Which meant I stayed holed up in my room all day and enjoyed zero peace and quiet. I actually spent a good chunk of my afternoon trying to find inexpensive options for weekends away. I didn't really find anything, so I will have to settle for day trips that keep me well and truly busy on the weekends regardless of the weather.
They aren't a bad family and they're certainly not doing anything wrong. This isn't a B&B, after all, it's a family home. This is just not an arrangement that works very well for me. Lesson learned. Sometimes going outside of your comfort zone is just not a good idea.
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