Hampton Court - Photos II
This blog includes most of the photos taken on the grounds of Hampton Court. I did not visit all of the gardens because they cover over sixty acres. There are still a lot of photos to see, though. But first, a bit of history. I didn't go into as much detail with my previous post as I usually do. This Blogger app is frustrating and it takes me so long just to get the pictures in place that I really skimped on the descriptions before. So here's a condensed history to fill in the gaps. Cardinal Wolsey bought Hampton Court in the early 1500s and set about turning it into a stunning palace. He gave it to Henry VIII in the late 1520s because he was falling out of favor with the king. The king had a massive court, so his first project was to construct the kitchens that I included in the last photo blog. His court totaled around 1000 people. That's a lot of mouths to feed. He also built the great hall, which was the last medieval style hall built for royalty. This was the king...