Land of Employment

You would think with all the news articles claiming the employment market is excellent for college graduates that I would have an entire lineup of jobs waiting for me when I started looking for them. I not only earned my degree last April, I did so with highest honors. I was in the top 2% of my class, for Pete's sake! I have job experience, too. Before I married Steve, I had worked for close to 15 years. Yet when I entered the job market in late December/early January, I got nowhere. I applied to many jobs, but no one ever called me for an interview.

At long last that changed. I have been hired by a national tutoring company. I went for my fingerprinting today. Once they confirm I am not a criminal, I will begin tutoring. The program is in Bradford County, which is about 30 minutes from here. I will be helping kids with their reading and math. We have a national program called No Child Left Behind, which provides school districts with funding to insure kids who aren't performing as well as their classes get the extra attention they need. My tutoring is a part of that program.

I'm excited. I'll be doing something worthwhile and getting paid well for it. And it's something I need a degree to do. So I not only landed a job, but one my education helped me attain. I suppose the best bit, though, is that it's flexible enough that I'll be able to go to England for three weeks in April without impacting my employment.

In other news: The microwave no longer smells burnt when we use it, so we're thinking it lived through Steve's hashbrown torching (see A Big Breakfast Oops). Each day brings us closer to our trip. We can't wait to step off that plane.


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