Let's explore a cave!

In our England wanderings, Steve and I made it a point to travel the "A" roads as much as possible during this trip, instead of the motorways. A motorway, or "M" road, is the same as a highway in the U.S. It's designed to get you where you're going as quickly as possible. It's not meant to be scenic. An "A" road is a step down from an "M." It's not a tiny road (that's a "B" road), but it's offers a more scenic drive. For this trip, the journey was as much fun as the destination, so we took a lot of "A" and "B" roads. This brought us close to some interesting sites, such as Poole's Cavern in Buxton, Derbyshire.

I'm not sure why but I never thought about England being a place with caverns. It's silly, I know. I just never equated the two together for some reason. So it was pretty neat to spend a few hours exploring the cave and comparing it to some of the caverns Steve and I have visited here in the States.

Again, my camera proved to be a pain in the neck when it came to getting good shots in the low light of the caverns. This trip showed me that a new camera was in order and I do have one now. Of course, the new camera has its issues, as well. You just can't win, can you? But with a little help from my iMac, I've managed to make some of the photos at least viewable for the blog.

I'm not going to go into any details about them because, frankly, it's a cave. You're going to see neat rock formations like stalagmites and stalactites. I may make a comment here or there about some of them, but this blog is about the photos. What a shame the camera was next to useless. :-)

 See, a stalagmite! Okay, so it's not very impressive right now. But check back in a hundred years or so and that thing will be really tall!

And here's a stalactite! It had been broken, though.

 These formations strike me as being very . . . erm . . . phallic.

 This looks more like a pile of mud than the early stages of a stalagmite.


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