Let's explore a cave!
In our England wanderings, Steve and I made it a point to travel the "A" roads as much as possible during this trip, instead of the motorways. A motorway, or "M" road, is the same as a highway in the U.S. It's designed to get you where you're going as quickly as possible. It's not meant to be scenic. An "A" road is a step down from an "M." It's not a tiny road (that's a "B" road), but it's offers a more scenic drive. For this trip, the journey was as much fun as the destination, so we took a lot of "A" and "B" roads. This brought us close to some interesting sites, such as Poole's Cavern in Buxton, Derbyshire. I'm not sure why but I never thought about England being a place with caverns. It's silly, I know. I just never equated the two together for some reason. So it was pretty neat to spend a few hours exploring the cave and comparing it to some of the caverns Steve and I have v...