Anglophile dreams

I've heard nothing from Lancaster or Manchester univerisities about my applications. I actually just got everything squared away with Manchester, so I'm not surprised. And I don't care if I do hear from them. I'm not that keen on the program there. Though if they offer me admission and money, I will give them sincere consideration. I did get an email from Dr. Jotischky (man, hope I spelt that right) letting me know my file had been given to a couple of potential advisors and he would get back to me shortly. That was about two weeks ago. I'm trying not to fret. Like I think I mentioned before, even if I get accepted, I still have to wait and find out if I'll get any funding.

But I want so badly to live in England. I've wanted it for some time now, and staying there over the summer just reinforced it. Steve's not keen, though. We had talked about leaving Florida, and I remind him of that when he laments leaving behind the life we've built here. Of course, Steve's right when he says there's a huge difference between packing up a Penske truck and moving to another state and relocating to England. I'm just so desperate to move there that I'm willing to deal with the brutal logistics.

Steve's being supportive. If I get offers from any of the schools, we'll move. He recognizes what an incredible opportunity it would be for me to study in England. I'm an English historian, for Pete's sake! While U.S. universities have British history programs, none offer me what English schools can. Steve sees that and is willing to uproot his life for me.

But what if I don't get offers? I dream of living in England. If I don't get accepted in a postgraduate program there, I honestly don't know what I'll do. So I try not to think about it and keep hoping for the best.

Prayers, good thoughts, and crossed fingers are greatly appreciated.


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