
Showing posts from January, 2010

Anglophile dreams

I've heard nothing from Lancaster or Manchester univerisities about my applications. I actually just got everything squared away with Manchester, so I'm not surprised. And I don't care if I do hear from them. I'm not that keen on the program there. Though if they offer me admission and money, I will give them sincere consideration. I did get an email from Dr. Jotischky (man, hope I spelt that right) letting me know my file had been given to a couple of potential advisors and he would get back to me shortly. That was about two weeks ago. I'm trying not to fret. Like I think I mentioned before, even if I get accepted, I still have to wait and find out if I'll get any funding. But I want so badly to live in England. I've wanted it for some time now, and staying there over the summer just reinforced it. Steve's not keen, though. We had talked about leaving Florida, and I remind him of that when he laments leaving behind the life we've built here. Of cou...

Eye update

It's been about a week-and-a-half since Steve injured his eye. The doctor declared his retina healed (no more swelling or bleeding), and gave him the all-clear to return to sports. The doc did suggest protective eye gear and I'm very happy Steve followed his advice. He bought a pair of safety glasses designed for raquetball/squash players. They should do the trick, should Steve kick any more balls into his face. Despite all the good news, however, Steve's vision has not improved. His pupil remains dilated, he still has the blank spot in the bottom half of his vision, and he doesn't see as clearly as he used to. The doc says it's a waiting game. Maybe Steve's vision will improve. Maybe it won't. Steve's worried most about the blurriness. His left eye compensates, but is he making its vision weaker as a result? Hopefully the doc will have answers when Steve calls today.

Keeping his eye on the ball

It's amazing how something so quick can have such lasting effects. It was the last few minutes of Steve's soccer game. His team was up 3-2 after coming from 2-0 at the end of the first half. Steve was playing defense. The other team was crowding the goal, trying ferociously to tie the game. Steve got the ball and attempted to clear the goal. He kicked it - hard. He was trying to launch it to the other end of the pitch. But the team's fast runner swooped in from nowhere and was less than two feet in front of Steve as the ball flew. The ball hit the guy in the chest and bounced backward - right into Steve's face. Steve tumbled backward. Play continued, but I wasn't paying attention. I watched Steve as he rolled up onto his hands and knees. When he slammed his fist on the ground, I knew something was very wrong. I thought he had injured his foot or ankle in the tumble. He crawled to safety on the sidelines. I quickly joined him and asked what was wrong. The ball had hi...