More ponderings

Things that have crossed my mind lately:

The daylight hours here way up the globe totally flummox me. It is bright insanely early. Sunrise is before 5 a.m. This morning, it was 4:50 and the sun was beaming through the curtains. My poor sleeping mind then assumes the alarm didn't go off and I awake convinced I'm late. And then, it stays bright way later than it should in my book. I was watching the telly and it was just starting to go twilighty. The time? Nearly 10 p.m.!! That is just . . . wrong. And it's only going to get worse. The longest day is a few weeks off, yet.

There are a lot of really bad parents around here. A young man got on the bus yesterday with his son, who was about 2, and a friend. He completely ignored the boy. He just left him sitting in a stroller and he chatted away with his friend. The boy was the saddest creature I had ever seen, too. But his father is hardly the worse offender.

Way too many parents tell their kids to shut up. And the ones who do it the most have the same accent, so maybe it's a regional thing. But it makes me cringe. You just should not tell little kids (you know, like three-year-olds) to shut up. But the cake goes to this woman on the bus the other day who deserved to be throttled.

Two women got on the bus. They were easily in their mid-30s, so you can't blame immaturity for their less-than-stellar mothering skills. They had about five kids with them and a baby in a stroller. One woman sat near the front with the stroller. The other woman went to the back with the five kids. The kids were aged from about 2 to 4. The first thing that the second woman did that annoyed me was announce - quite loudly - that the toddler "stunk" and then she changed her diaper ON THE BUS. In the seat right behind me, I might add. Then she told the equally loud children to "shut up." And when that didn't do the trick, she moved to the front of the bus and left the children ALONE! She told the oldest child - who I remind you is about 4 - to take care of the others. Insanity! What if the bus stopped suddenly? Or rounded a curve too fast (which they do a lot)? How can you leave one four-year-old in charge of four other kids?

You know, if you don't wants kids, don't have them. Seriously.

I find myself wondering why the books at the Records Office are easier to locate than the books at the library. They're in order and everything. And also, why does the Record Office have four times as many books as the library's local reference section? That makes no sense. But I'm grateful. At least I have access to the books I'm after.

The Records Office was surprisingly un-busy today. Unfortunately, although I found everything I was looking for, it failed to yield what I hoped it would. I had a lot of dead-ends and disappointments. Here's hoping Monday turns out better.


  1. How sadly interesting about the parenting. In Sevilla, the children are always dressed up like little jewels, and the parents are very attentive. But they stay up very late ... we see children out at 10 p.m. on weeknights having dinner with their parents.


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