Departing in style

Parking fees at Orlando International Airport are stupidly high. When you're gone for a few weeks, like we were going to be, they can break the bank. After doing some research, I determined it was actually cheaper to rent a car each way than it was to park our vehicle at satellite parking. So we arranged a couple of car rentals and headed down to Orlando the night before our early-morning departure for New York and then England.

I thought it would be fun to travel down in style, so we rented a convertible.

Steve phoned to tell me he was on Bondarenko, so I went out with the camera to capture his arrival. I was hoping we would get a Mustang. But, well, it just looks out of place out here, doesn't it?

Yes, definitely out of place. But darn pretty, too.

Doesn't Steve just emote cool?

We quickly discovered the convertible's chief downside: Lack of room. Because the soft top has to go somewhere when it's down, this is all the storage space you get in the boot.

We didn't want to leave all our bags in the car overnight, so we took them up to the hotel room with us. Steve then spent some time the next morning getting them all wedged back in the car. It took some doing.

Steve just managed to get the cases crammed into the car's back seat. Clearly, renting a convertible to get us to the airport prior to a three-week trip abroad was not a good idea. I feel sorry for the driver of the Miata in the background. At least we had a back seat!

All in all, we just weren't impressed with the Mustang convertible. Yes, it's a pretty car in a butch, street-machine way (although it had a wimpy engine). But Steve was miserable driving with the top down on the way home. The sun was so bright, he was sweating like a horse even with the a/c on full. It was more pleasant at night to drive with the top down, but I felt so exposed. I imagine that if everyone drove convertibles, we would have a lot less rude driving on the road. You lose your anonymity when you're sitting out in the open. But we'd be a lot more crabby, because we'd be hot and sweaty for at least half the year.

I guess chalk this one up to a good idea in theory, but not in practice.


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