Conceding defeat

I finally had to give up with my idea of having a blog that was entirely housed on our own server. Our original one worked well, but then I lost the password and Steve's attempt to override it failed miserably. And our second one never worked right, regardless of the effort Steve put into it. Since my PHP programming skill is basic, at best, and Steve doesn't have a lot of time to try and get the thing working, I had to give up. So I went to Blogger to get one hosted there. As luck would have it, it's possible to have a blog hosted there, but tagged to your own domain. Steve set up a subdomain on our server, but it will be a few days for it to be active. In the meantime, I'll just use the Blogspot.

Of course, this makes it sound like I have a lot to say, but I don't, really. Today is my birthday, but we've got nothing planned. It's just as well. I've had a sinus headache for the past two days, so I doubt I could enjoy myself. I certainly wouldn't enjoy the hour-plus drive to Jacksonville. It doesn't hurt too much if I don't move around a lot, so the computer and TV are my companions today.

The house looks like a bomb went off in the livingroom, because I have all my boxes of Christmas decorations out. I'm slowing fixing the house up for the holidays. And the den is still a bit of a disaster area, because Steve hasn't yet finished constructing the pool table. He ran out of the provided adhesive used to fasten down the felt and the stuff he bought to replace it isn't doing the job well.

We're building housing for our new well pump this weekend. It just has a garbage can overturned on top of it at the moment, but that's not a permanent fix. The structure Steve has in mind is simple, but should do the job.

That's about it for now.


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