
Showing posts from September, 2015


We received ten shrimp in the mail yesterday. When I mentioned that to people, they would automatically assume I was having seafood shipped to my house. Actually, the shrimp were alive . . . and freshwater versions. They're red cherry shrimp for our aquarium. I wanted to add this little scavengers to our fish community and since I couldn't find any locally I went online. The shrimp arrived priority mail. The first step was to empty their transport bag into a bowl. From there, Steve added a couple of tablespoons of water from the fish tank every five minutes for 45 minutes. This helped them acclimate to the environment within the aquarium. Here they are in the bowl toward the end of their acclimation period. The two really small ones would be juvenile shrimp and the rest are young adults. The juveniles were only about a 1/2 inch long, and one wasn't particularly robust. We ended up losing that one shortly after this photo was taken. :-( Here's a close-up ...