
Showing posts from January, 2015

A Movie Review

Steve and I had a movie night last night and we saw Into the Woods.  I have been hearing / reading mixed reviews of the flick. It seemed to me that folks who were fans of the play enjoyed it whilst those who had never seen the play were less than thrilled. I am a fan of the play. My daughter, Andrea, and I would sing the soundtrack in the car. We even went to a community college production of it when we lived in South Florida many moons ago. In fact, I had been singing the show's tunes all day yesterday. In contrast, Steve has never seen it. Worse, the other Sondheim play that I love ( Sunday in the Park with George ) put Steve to sleep. Last night proved my theory. I enjoyed the movie. Steve, who admitted that the songs were good, wasn't as impressed. He felt it dragged. The thing is, I could easily see why. I felt the second half of the movie seemed to drag on forever. If I took away my enthusiasm for the play, I would have been pretty fidgety. The thing is, the second act ...

Real quick like

Steve and I have had many adventures since I last blogged. I have photos to share. I still haven't finished blogging about our escapades in New York City in June and we've actually gone again - at Christmas. It's 2015 and I still haven't finished commenting on the second half of 2014. That, dear readers, is how it is when one is writing a dissertation. I will - eventually - get back to this blog in a meaningful way. For now, and possibly even the next year, I can guarantee nothing. Happy 2015!