Master Ashton
I graduated yesterday with my Master of Arts degree in history. It's been an intense but rewarding two years. My friend and fellow history GTA, Amanda, graduated with me. I'm glad we shared the experience. It made it more special. Especially since Amanda leaves in just a little over two weeks for Kentucky, where she's going for her PhD. I'm envious that she gets to start the next round so soon, and in such a lovely place, but I'm also glad to have a few months off before I go for my doctorate. I need the down time. I also have a lot of packing to do. Festivities began Thursday, but first, I had a paper to finish. I took a Crusades class over the summer and its final paper was due Friday. I wanted to graduate knowing I had finished everything, so I was trying to get the paper finished by Wednesday. I didn't quite make it. I still had a couple of pages of information to add, so I was in the GTA office at 6:15 a.m. doing just that. I spent the morning doing that, g...