Life drones on . . .
I've not written lately, because there's just not a lot to write about. We're busy, don't get me wrong. But who wants to read about my daily expeditions into long-packed boxes, possession culling, and closet organization? We continue to get rain close to daily, so we still don't have the chicken coop finished. It has to be finished by August 25, because I start grad school then and I can't have chickens unattended in the house for three days a week! We currently have the ten big babies in the double kennel we used to use for Copen, and the Phoenix babies in the three-bin brooder. The Phoenix babies are so called, because they're named after members of Harry Potter's Order of the Phoenix/Dumbledore's Army. Anyway, having the big birds in a cage-type house rather than an enclosed brooder changes things a lot. Chickens are dirty! I have layers of dust in the dining room like you wouldn't believe and the downy feathers get everywhere! I vacuum twice...