A rant
Warning: I don't usually rant here, but I read a news article today that really ticked me off. If you don't like what I'm saying, sorry. Just a few days ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Washington D.C.'s gun ban is unconstitutional. By banning guns in the city and not allowing residents to own firearms, the law is in violation of our Second Amentment right to "keep and bear arms." Besides being a fan of the constitution, as a former neighbor to D.C., I'm glad the ban was lifted. The crime rate in that city is ridiculous, with gun crimes always increasing. Since shooting someone is illegal and people still do it, I've always found it beyond stupid to outlaw guns as a way to deter gun crimes. If you're willing to kill someone, you're not going to stop just because it's illegal to own a gun! I did a paper a couple of years ago about the ineffectiveness of gun bans. Britain has had a ban in place for many years now. It goes so far as to s...